Contract management

  • Contract management
  • Endorsement management
  • Management of special endorsements: Rate changes for special reasons (medical surcharges, migrations, waivers)
  • Integrated document management
  • Management of documents to be supplied by the customer (receipt and waiting etc.)
  • Fine-tuned, legally-compliant management of contact methods and durable media (paper / e-mail)
  • Management by generation of static documents so that managers always know which version of the General Conditions or
  • Information leaflet was used to underwrite each contract.
  • Managing caps on withdrawals
  • E-mail notification of management actions to the broker

Financial management

  • Contribution management
  • Collection management (direct debit strips, credit cards, checks, etc.)
  • Disbursement management (SEPA rejections, automatic transfer of contribution reimbursements (with deadlines configurable by contract))
  • Management of periodic receipts
  • Management of indexations, surcharges and annual due notices
  • Litigation management and integration with Intrum for post-termination litigation


  • Insurer, insurance company, healthcare network, etc.
  • Insurer’s slips with specific models
  • Association slips
  • Management commission slips
  • Wholesale commission statements
  • Brokerage commission slips
  • Management of shelf-edge, advance and discount slips
  • Management slip (monthly accounting exports, suspense stock, advance stock, etc.)
  • Portfolio exports
  • Risk exports

Claims management

  • Accounting-oriented claims management (particularly for P&C)
  • Provision account management
  • Claims slips (accounting and stock)
  • Integration with external service systems for both administrative data input and data feedback from
  • service for automated S/P calculation per contract with daily recalculation and annual archiving


  • Webservice ” Maitre ” to external service or claims system
  • Webservice ” Maitre ” ” Maître ” to external contract management system
  • Webservice ” Maitre ” for contract modification alerts



Two insurance distribution professionals decide to create a wholesale entity. They met with an insurer, a reinsurer, an assistance provider and a benefits manager, and contacted Smalltox to implement their project.

To start with, 2 health products are being developed in collaboration with all our partners, with assistance, a care network and an accidental death option.

Once the broad outlines have been defined by the insurer and the newly-created wholesaler, Smalltox works with the partners to fine-tune the product (technical premiums, all the different taxes, the charges for each level, the rules governing withholding tax and other commissions, the underwriting association, etc.).

Once the product has been finely defined, the parameters are set by both Smalltox and the service manager. In parallel, the webservice is set up between the 2.

The product is launched and the brokers canvassed by the wholesaler begin distributing the product on the branded interface provided by Smalltox.

Smalltox teams provide training for the group’s managers.

At the beginning of the following month, slips and reports begin to be sent to partners (insurer, manager’s accounting department). Similarly, the first direct debit strip is issued on Smalltox and sent to the manager’s accounting department. Initially, the Smalltox teams handle these processes, gradually handing over to the management teams.

Throughout the year, the necessary modifications are made to the configuration: product modification with versioning, indexing, new reporting, campaign and promotion codes (free month, temporary discounts, etc.). Smalltox’s teams continue to provide day-to-day maintenance and support to our customers.

After 6 months, the new wholesaler was signing more than 500 contracts a month.

After some time, the wholesaler decided to develop an android application for its broker extranet in addition to the standard Smalltox browser-based extranet. He called on a graphics company to create the interface and call the Smalltox pricing and subscription webservices.